2014 National Conference News 18 – 21 May 2014 Crown Conference Centre, Melbourne, Australia
2014 National Conference – Connections: Client • Clinician • Context
Abstract Reviews The Conference Planning Committee (CPC) together with the Scientific Program Sub Committee (SPSC) Chair would like to thank the reviewers for their thorough process. Each submission was independently rated by two reviewers against a strict set of criteria. With 248 submissions, we are confident this will ensure a program of the highest quality, variety and interest for our profession. All authors will be notified by late December 2013 whether they have been successful or not. Program Development The CPC and SPSC are currently finalising the structure of the 2014 Conference program. We will continue with the concurrent sessions of oral, workshop and poster presentations. Plenary sessions will be scheduled for each day. The Pre-Registration and Welcome Reception will be on the Sunday evening and the Conference dinner will be on the Wednesday evening. The SPA AGM will be held on the Monday evening, with the Restaurant Night on the Tuesday evening. Keynote and Invited Speakers Update ‘Connections: client.clinician.context’ Marvellous Melbourne is diverse, energetic and multicultural; ideal for those seeking new and innovative experiences. The 2014 CPC invites clinicians, researchers and academics to attend the Conference and explore the three other key areas of evidence-based practice, namely the client’s perspective, the clinician’s clinical experience and the clinical context. The CPC is excited to present internationally renowned keynote speakers to lead and motivate Conference delegates to discuss speech pathology practice relating to the
client, clinician, and context. Paediatric and adult clinicians alike will be inspired to connect with and implement these themes within their area/s of clinical practice. Dr Sue Roulstone’s keynote address will
discuss the relationship
between client perspectives, clinical expertise, and research evidence. The presentation content
relates to findings from the Better Communication Research Program and the Child Talk-What Works research program that she and colleagues have developed. A detailed follow-up workshop provides delegates with specific knowledge about the development and evidence-base of the Child Talk – What Works program with delegates being able to investigate the program’s application to their own context. Finally, Dr Roulstone will also present a Masterclass whilst in Melbourne. The focal point of the Masterclass is the design of functional, client-focused, and evidence-based speech pathology interventions for individuals with speech and language impairment making it highly relevant to all clinicians working with a paediatric population. Dr Susan Langmore, well-known to
many, will provide a keynote presentation inviting participation to discuss with her the evidence base for
dysphagia treatment. The evidence for techniques utilised for many years by
Speak Out December 2013
Speech Pathology Australia
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