Annual Report 2017
A new strategic plan
In 2017 the Association released its new Strategic Plan: 2017-2019 .
The new strategic plan is the first step on the Association’s journey to implement the vision outlined by the speech pathology profession through the Speech Pathology 2030 project. This vision includes eight aspirations that will guide the Association, its membership, and the wider speech pathology profession on the path towards 2030.
These aspirations form the bedrock of the strategic plan. The eight aspirations are:
• Communication accessible communities • Access for all • Timely services across the lifespan • Clients and communities driving service delivery
• Skilled and confident families and carers • Collaborative professional partnerships • Quality services, innovation and continual pursuit of knowledge • Diverse and dynamic workforce.
Within the strategic plan, the aspirations are grouped under three key platforms: our voice , our philosophy , and our workforce .
Under each of these platforms are three interconnected components that outline the task ahead: aspirations, goals and initiatives.
o u r v o i c e
Communication accessible communities
o u r w o r k f o r c e
Diverse and dynamic workforce
Access for all
Effective communication and safe swallowing – a right for all Australians throughout their life
Quality, innovation and knowledge
Timely services across the lifespan
Collaborative professional partnerships
Clients and communities driving service delivery
Skilled and confident families and carers
o u r p h i l o s o p h y
6 2017 ANNUAL REPORT Speech Pathology Australia
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