Annual Report 2017
Detailed profit and loss statement
Expenses Advertising Audit fees
Income Member subscriptions Publications income
3,385,984 3,158,447
34,613 26,341 89,171
70,698 53,398 101,673 27,753
67,280 50,649 82,918 16,348
Eligibility fees
Annual leave accrual 4,680 Audio-visual equipment & display costs 159,727 107,184 Bad debts 73 18 Bank charges 41,492 36,123 Betty Usher expenses 11,338 195 Body corporate fees 18,246 16,207 Catering 380,568 346,188 Cleaning 6,363 5,862 Computer operations & maintenance 154,291 146,881 QRBLF grants 35,000 30,000 Consultant fees 503,694 656,759 Continuing education 115,482 86,035 Depreciation 91,907 84,594 Equipment & fittings - 364 Grants - research 118,836 25,700 Honorarium & grants 81,544 81,046 Insurance 18,297 17,846 Interest 1,306 (4,976) Loss on sale of assets - 139 Legal & professional fees 31,189 30,127 Light & power 7,825 7,724 Long service leave accrual 35,034 13,254 Merchandise expenses 30,367 21,187 Member services 15,217 19,113 Payroll tax 65,670 58,509 Postage & freight 50,537 51,041 Printing & stationery 115,001 120,959 Publications – JCPSLP 67,175 65,290 Publications – Speak Out 65,205 90,720 Publications – IJSLP 274,354 306,175 Repairs & maintenance 4,713 570 Rent expenses Bank Place 15,451 3,242 Lease – William St 225,929 206,860 Salaries & work cover 1,686,181 1,603,756 Training & development 69,604 47,721 Secretariat services 9,561 9,449 Staff amenities 3,402 2,442 Staff hiring expenses 34,440 35,629 Subscriptions 56,797 52,663 Sundry expenses 16,162 25,804 Superannuation 160,908 149,779 Telephone, internet & teleconference 33,419 31,157 Travelling expenses 305,200 259,770 Venue hire 149,860 54,668 Total expense 5,417,490 4,932,647 Surplus before income tax 264,988 291,492
Insurance administration fees
Member services
Continuing education
490,070 364,326 680,437 494,337
Conference fees
Professional resources & reimbursements
232,271 298,190
Interest received Sundry income
107,041 105,452
Copyright royalties received
Grants QRBLF
167,911 379,523
66,929 151,770 16,430 81,189
32,990 55,963 10,389 69,844
Project management fee – grants Project management fee – QRBLF
Rental income – Bank Place
Resource guide
Total income
5,682,478 5,224,139
2017 ANNUAL REPORT Speech Pathology Australia
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