Annual Report 2017
Reconciliation of cash flows from operating activities
14 Employee remuneration 14.1 Employee benefits expense Expenses recognised for employee benefits are analysed below: 2017 2016 $ $ Wages, salaries 1,800,570 1,597,098 Superannuation – defined contribution plans 160,908 149,779 Employee benefits expense 1,961,478 1,746,877 Employee benefits The liabilities recognised for employee benefits consist of the following amounts: 2017 2016 $ $ Current Annual leave 187,807 144,817 Long service leave 134,452 128,768 Payroll 14.2
2017 2016 $ $
Cash flows from operating activities Net surplus/(deficit) for the period Non-cash flows in operating surplus/(deficit): • depreciation and amortisation
258,867 251,500
93,643 93,558
loss/(profit) on sales of property, plant and equipment
other- income tax
- 40,263
Net changes in working capital: •
change in trade and other receivables change in other assets change in trade and other payables change in other liabilities
10,950 (89,664)
• •
436,928 (201,948) 69,584 (47,576)
• • •
change in provisions
15,500 13,430 337,758 287,015
change income tax payable/ receivable
Non-current Long service leave
Net cash from operating activities
1,116,800 83,810
34,541 15,701
18 Related parties The Company’s related parties include its Key Management Personnel and related entities. 18.1 Directors and key staff remuneration
15 Other liabilities Other liabilities can be summarised as follows:
2017 2016 $ $
Deferred income
2,100,089 1,663,161
Other liabilities - current
2,100,089 1,663,161
Directors and key staff remuneration
225,994 207,248
Deferred income consists of Member Services paid in advance. Deferred income is amortised over the life of the contract.
Payment of remuneration of Directors represents the National President honorarium paid to their employer and remuneration of the Chief Executive Officer. 18.2 Related party transactions The Company has received membership fees from directors for the year ended 31 December 2017 totalling $4,114 (2016: $4,037). The Company paid for all directors (7) and the Chief Executive Officer to attend the national conference in May 2017 at a total cost of $4,918 (2016: $4,587). Director, Marleen Westerveld, will be paid $10,000 as recipient of the 2017 Queensland Registration Board Legacy Fund grant for her project titled ‘Examining the visual attention to print vs. pictures during school book reading in pre-schoolers with autism’. Unless otherwise stated, none of the transactions incorporate special terms and conditions and no guarantees were given or received. Outstanding balances are usually settled in cash.
Auditor renumeration
2017 2016 $ $
Audit and review of financial statements: •
auditors of The Speech Pathology Association of Australia – HLB Mann Judd (2016: Grant Thornton)
15,205 15,800
Other services: •
taxation compliance – HLB Mann Judd (2016: Grant Thornton)
4,500 4,500
19,705 20,300
Total auditor’s remuneration
19 Contingent liabilities There are no contingent liabilities that have been incurred by the Company in relation to 2017 or 2016.
2017 ANNUAL REPORT Speech Pathology Australia
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