Annual Report 2015 Speech Pathology Australia
14 Reconciliation of cash flows from operating activities
11.2 Employee benefits The liabilities recognised for employee benefits consist of the following amounts: 2015 2014 $ $ Current • annual leave 140,137 111,438 • long service leave 100,415 76,050 • payroll
2015 $
2014 $
Cash flows from operating activities Net surplus/(deficit) for the period Non-cash flows in operating surplus/(deficit): • depreciation and amortisation
78,940 12,345 319,492 199,833
14,174 26,906
Non-current: • long service leave
• loss/(profit) on sales of
30,800 24,387
property, plant and equipment
• other- income tax
12 Other liabilities
Net changes in working capital: • change in trade and other receivables • change in other assets • change in trade and other payables • change in other liabilities
2015 2014 $ $
7,241 (23,390)
Deferred income consists of government grants received in advance for services to be rendered by the Company and Member Services paid in advance. Deferred income is amortised over the life of the contract. 13 Auditor remuneration 1,865,109 1,464,966 Other liabilities - current 1,865,109 1,464,966 Deferred income
139,138 (142,060)
404,143 828,139
• change in provisions 46,559 29,348 Net cash from operating activities 590,551 975,098 15 Related party transactions Income received or due and receivable by all directors of the company from the company and any related bodies corporate. Unless otherwise stated, none of the transactions incorporate special terms and conditions and no guarantees were given or received. Outstanding balances are usually settled in cash.
2015 $
2014 $
Audit and review of financial statements: • auditors of The Speech Pathology Association of Australia – Grant Thornton Australia • 2013 auditors of The Speech Pathology Association of Australia – McGregor West fee for 2013 Other services: • taxation compliance – Grant Thornton Australia Total auditor’s remuneration
15.1 Directors and Key Staff Remuneration
2015 $
2014 $
Directors and Key Staff Remuneration
202,254 198,520
Payment of remuneration of Directors represents the National President honorarium paid to their employer. 16 Contingent liabilities There are no contingent liabilities that have been incurred by the Company in relation to 2015 or 2014. 17 Leases 17.1 Operating leases as lessee The Company’s future minimum operating lease payments are as follows:
Minimum lease payments due
Within 1 year $
1 to 5 years $
After 5 years $
Total $
31 December 2015 149,666 546,969 -
31 December 2014
Lease expense during the period amount to $149,966 (2014: $0) representing the minimum lease payments. The property lease commitments are non-cancellable operating leases with lease terms of five (5) years. Increases in lease commitments may occur in line with CPI or market rent reviews in accordance with the agreements.
24 2015 ANNUAL REPORT Speech Pathology Australia
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