ACQ Vol 13 No1 2011

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Speech Pathology Association Limited. Retrieved from Assoc_Doc/Constitution_2000_amended_2008.pdf Speech Pathology Australia (SPA). (2009a). Credentialling – position statement . Melbourne: The Australian Speech Pathology Association Limited. Retrieved from http://www. Speech Pathology Australia (SPA). (2009b). Professional self-regulation . Melbourne: The Australian Speech Pathology Speech Pathology Australia (SPA). (2009c). Working in a culturally and linguistically diverse society – position paper . Melbourne: The Australian Speech Pathology Association Limited. Retrieved from http://www. Speech Pathology Australia (SPA). (2009d). Evidence- based speech pathology practice for individuals with autism spectrum disorders – position paper . Melbourne: The Australian Speech Pathology Association Limited. Retrieved from publications Speech Pathology Australia (SPA). (2010). Code of ethics . Melbourne: The Australian Speech Pathology Association Limited. Retrieved from http://www. Speech Pathology Australia & The Speech Pathology Board of Queensland. (2008). The speech pathology profession – A national approach for working in the public interest – A submission from the speech pathology profession to the practitioner regulation subcommittee . Retrieved from library/Speech%20Pathologists%20National%20 Registration%20and%20Accreditation%20Scheme%20 Submisison.pdf Acknowledgements The work undertaken to prepare this paper was funded by a Victorian Travelling Fellowship, awarded to the author in 2007–2009 by the Department of Human Services (Department of Health), Victoria, and Victorian Quality Council. The subject of the fellowship was titled “Developing a consistent and coordinated approach to advancing clinical roles to maximise safety and quality of healthcare for patients”. The author would like to thank the speech pathology staff at Austin Health for their support and contributions to the fellowship project. She would also like to thank Associate Professor Jennifer Oates, Marie Atherton and Gail Mulcair for their contributions to the work undertaken during the fellowship, and their thoughtful consideration of the material presented in this paper. Michelle Cimoli is a speech pathologist who has worked in the area of adult dysphagia since 2000, and who currently works at Austin Health, Heidelberg, Victoria. She is also a Masters of Applied Science (by research) candidate, enrolled at La Trobe University. Association Limited. Retrieved from http://www. Booklet%202009.pdf

Correspondence to: Michelle Cimoli Austin Health Speech Pathology Department PO Box 5555 Heidelberg VIC 3084 email:


ACQ Volume 13, Number 1 2011

ACQ uiring knowledge in speech, language and hearing

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