ACQ Vol 11 no 2 2009
Speech Pathology Australia
Level 2 / 11-19 Bank Place, Melbourne, Victoria 3000 T: 03 9642 4899 F: 03 9642 4922 Email: Website: ABN 17 008 393 440 ACN 008 393 440 Speech Pathology Australia Council Cori Williams President Gillian Dickman Vice President Operations Natalie Ellston Vice President Communications Beth King Member Networks Amanda Seymour Professional Standards Felicity Martin Practice, Workplace & Government – Communications Jennifer Moody Practice, Workplace & Government – Operations Jade Cartwright Scientific Affairs & Continuing Professional Development Judith Rathmell Public Affairs ACQ Editors Nicole Watts Pappas and Marleen Westerveld c/- Speech Pathology Australia Editorial Committee Joy Kassouf Alexandra Holliday Karen Nitsche Tarsha Cameron Andrea Murray Thomas Ka Tung Law Pamela Dodrill Lyndal Sheepway Erica Dixon Kyriaki Ttofari Eecen Mary Claessen Wildfire Graphics Pty Ltd Contribution deadlines March 2010 3 August 2009 (peer review) 15 October 2009 (non peer review) July 2010 8 December 2009 (peer review) 4 March 2010 (non peer review) November 2010 15 April 2010 (peer review) 1 July 2010 (non peer review) Copy edited by Carla Taines Designed by Bruce Godden,
Advertising Booking deadlines March 2010
3 December 2009
July 2010
22 April 2010 November 2010
19 August 2010 Please contact Filomena Scott at Speech Pathology Australia for advertising information. Acceptance of advertisements does not imply Speech Pathology Australia’s endorsement of the product or service. Although the Association reserves the right to reject advertising copy, it does not accept responsibility for the accuracy of statements by advertisers. Speech Pathology Australia will not publish advertisements that are inconsistent with its public image. Subscriptions Australian subscribers – $AUD77.00 (including GST). Overseas subscribers – $AUD90.00 (including postage and handling). No agency discounts. Reference This issue of ACQuiring Knowledge in Speech, Language and Hearing is cited as Volume 11, Number 2 2009. Disclaimer To the best of The Speech Pathology Association of Australia Limited’s (“the Association”) knowledge, this information is valid at the time of publication. The Association makes no warranty or representation in relation to the content or accuracy of the material in this publication. The Association expressly disclaims any and all liability (including liability for negligence) in respect of use of the information provided. The Association recommends you seek independent professional advice prior to making any decision involving matters outlined in this publication.
Ryan Smith TEL 03 9823 1577 MOB 0419 330 118
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