ACQ Vol 11 no 2 2009
Dodd, B., Holm, A., Oerlemans, M., & McCormick, M. (1996). Queensland University Inventory of Literacy . Brisbane: University of Queensland, Department of Speech Pathology and Audiology. Ehri, L. C., Nunes, S. R., Willows, D. M., Schuster, B. V., Yaghoub-Zadeh, Z., & Shanahan, T. (2001). Phonemic awareness instruction helps children learn to read: Evidence from the National Reading Panel’s meta-analysis. Reading Research Quarterly , 36 (3), 250–287. Frijters J., Barron, R., & Brunello M. (2000). Direct and mediated influences of home literacy and literacy interest on prereaders’ oral vocabulary and early written language skill. Journal of Educational Psychology , 92 (3), 466–477. Gillon, G. T. (2000a). The efficacy of phonological awareness intervention for children with spoken language impairment. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools , 31 , 126–141. Gillon, G. T. (2000b). The Gillon Phonological Awareness Training Programme (2nd ed.). Christchurch: New Zealand College of Education, University of Canterbury. http://www. Gillon, G. T. (2002). Follow-up study investigating benefits of phonological awareness intervention for children with spoken language impairment. International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders , 37 (4), 381–400. Gillon, G. T. (2004). Phonological awareness: From research to practice . New York: The Guilford Press. Gillon, G. T. (2005). Facilitating phoneme awareness development in 3-and 4-year-old children with speech impairment. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools , 36 , 308–324. Gillon, G. T., & Dodd, B. (1995). The effects of training phonological, semantic and syntactic processing skills in spoken language on reading ability. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools , 26 , 58–68. Gillon, G. T., & Dodd, B. (1997). Enhancing the phonological processing skills of children with specific reading disability. European Journal of Disorders of Communication , 32 , 67–90. Gillon, G., Moran, C., Hamilton, E., Zens, N., Bayne, G., & Smith, D. (2007). Phonological awareness treatment effects for children from low socioeconomic backgrounds. Asia Pacific Journal of Speech Language and Hearing , 10 (2), 123–140. Goetz, K., Hulme, C., Brigstoke, S., Carroll, J. M., Nasir, L., & Snowling, M (2008). Training reading and phoneme awareness skills in children with Down syndrome. Reading & Writing , 21 , 395–412. Hamilton, E., & Gillon, G. T. (2005). Phoneme awareness intervention for Samoan children: Linguistic transfer effects from English to Samoan. New Zealand Journal of Speech- Language Therapy , 60 , 48–60. Hatcher, P. J. (2000). Sound links in reading and spelling with discrepancy-defined dyslexics and children with moderate learning difficulties. Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal , 13 , 257–272. Hogan, T., Catts, H., & Little, T. (2005). The relationship between phonological awareness and reading: Implications for the assessment of phonological awareness. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools , 36 (4), 285–293. Lindamood, C., & Lindamood, P. (2004). Lindamood Auditory Conceptualization Test (3rd ed.). Austin, TX: PRO-ED. Lindamood, P., & Lindamood, P. (1998). The Lindamood Phoneme Sequencing Program for Reading, Spelling, and
References Blachman, B., Ball, E., Black, R., & Tangel, D. (1994). Kindergarten teachers develop phoneme awareness in low-income, inner-city classrooms. Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal , 6 , 1–18. Boudreau, D. (2005). Use of a parent questionnaire in emergent and early literacy assessment of preschool children. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools , 36 (1), 33–47. Boudreau, D. M., & Hedberg, N. L. (1999). A comparison of the early literacy skills in children with specific language impairment and their typically developing peers. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology , 8 (3), 249–260. Brennan, F., & Ireson, J. (1997). Training phonological awareness: A study to evaluate the effects of a program of metalinguistic games in kindergarten. Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal , 9 , 241–263. Bryant, P., MacLean, M., Bradley, L., & Crossland, J. (1990). Rhyme and alliteration, phoneme detection, and learning to read. Developmental Psychology , 26 , 429–438. Cognitive Concepts. (1998). Earobics [Computer program]. Evanston, IL: Cognitive Concepts, Inc. Defior, S., & Tudela, P. (1994). Effect of phonological training on reading and writing acquisition. Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal , 6 , 299–320. Denne, M., Langdown, N., Pring, T., & Roy, P. (2005). Treating children with expressive phonological disorders: Does phonological awareness therapy work in the clinic? International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders , 40 (4), 493–504. Dodd, B., Crosbie, S., MacIntosh, B., Teitzel, T., & Ozanne, A. (2000). Preschool and Primary Inventory of Phonological Awareness (PIPA) . London: Psychological Corporation. 1. Include phonological awareness activities at the phoneme level (e.g., initial phoneme identity for preschool children; phoneme segmentation and phoneme blending for school-age children). 2. Integrate letter-sound knowledge with phonological awareness activities. 3. Integrate phonological awareness activities with speech production and/or language goals where appropriate. 4. Plan activities across different settings (e.g., individual, small group, home, and classroom activities). 5. Collect data throughout the intervention program to determine intervention effectiveness and document outcomes from the intervention. 6. Include activities to facilitate the transfer of improved phonological awareness to reading and spelling. 7. Involve parents/carers, teachers and relevant others in the intervention. 8. Carefully monitor the ability of the child to integrate phonological awareness knowledge in the reading and spelling process following intervention. Service delivery 1. Intensive individual or small group models may be necessary for children with severe phonological awareness deficits. Summary checklist: Assessment and intervention of phonological awareness (continued) Intervention
ACQ Volume 11, Number 2 2009
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