ACQ Vol 10 No 2 2008

Work– l i f e balance : preserv i ng your soul

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easily be incorporated into standard clinic procedures. Poten­ tially, the most difficult aspect to arrange is the availability of an independent follow-up rater with appropriate skills; however this did not pose an issue in this instance. The use of video-taping could help to overcome this issue, yet this would raise the need for further research to evaluate alternative methods of follow-up (Caslyn & Davidson, 1978) As discussed in the introduction, there is limited evidence outside of anecdotal evidence supporting the use of PROMPT. While GAS does not provide a detailed method for evaluating the PROMPT technique or specific aspects of efficacy, it can be seen as one way of paving the road towards building an evidence base in this area. By introducing the use of a con­ sistent outcome measure, a pool of outcome data would be available for further research. From this base, researchers could branch into evaluations of such areas of efficacy and formal comparisons with other treatment methods. GAS could be seen as a cobblestone in the road towards that end. References Bose, A., Square, P., Scholsser, R., & van Lieshout, P. (2001). Effects of PROMPT therapy on speech motor function in a person with aphasia and apraxia of speech. Aphasiology , 15 (8), 767–785. Bose, A., van Lieshout, P., & Square, P. (2000). Speech motor behaviours in aphasia with apraxia: a case study . Paper presented at the Tenth Biennial Conference on Motor Speech Disorders and Speech Motor Control, San Antonio, TX. Cardillo, J. (1994). Goal setting follow-up, and goal monitoring. In T.J. Kiresuk, A. Smith, & J.E. Cardillo (Eds.), Goal attainment scaling: Applications, theory, and measurement (pp. 39–59). Hillsdale, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum. Cardillo, J., & Choate, R. (1994). Illustrations of goal setting. In T.J. Kiresuk, A. Smith, & J.E. Cardillo (Eds.), Goal attainment scaling: Applications, theory, and measurement (pp. 15–38). Hillsdale, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum. Cardillo, J., & Smith, A. (1994). Psychometric issues. In T.J. Kiresuk, A. Smith, & J.E. Cardillo (Eds.), Goal attainment scaling: Applications, theory, and measurement (pp. 173–212). Hillsdale, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum. Cardillo, J., & Smith, A. (1994). Reliability of goal attainment scores. In T.J. Kiresuk, A. Smith, & J.E. Cardillo (Eds.), Goal attainment scaling: Applications, theory, and measurement (pp. 213–242). Hillsdale, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum. Caslyn, R., & Davidson, W. (1978). Do we really want a program evaluation strategy based soley on individualized goals?: A critique of goal attainment scaling. Community Mental Health Journal , 14 (4), 300–308. Chumpelik, D., & Sherman, J. (1980). Using a tactile approach in the acquisition of functional oral communication in a non-verbal, eight year old autistic child: A case study . Unpublished research. As cited in the PROMPT Institute (2007). PROMPT prompts for restructuring oral muscular phonetic targets introduction to technique: A manual Australian edition. Gold Coast, Qld. Chumpelik, D., & Sherman, J. (1983). Treatment comparisons for developmental apraxia of speech . Unpublished research, Thistletown Regional Centre, Toronto, ON. As cited in the PROMPT Institute (2007). PROMPT prompts for restructuring oral muscular phonetic targets introduction to technique: A manual Australian edition. Gold Coast, Qld. Freed, D., Marshall, R., & Frazier, K. (1997). Long term effectiveness of PROMPT treatment in a severely apractic- aphasic speaker. Aphasiology , 11 (4–5), 365–372.


ACQ uiring knowledge in speech , language and hearing , Volume 10, Number 2 2008

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