2018 Speech Pathology Resource Guide


University of Sydney Rapid Syllable Transition Treatment (ReST) website - a self-directed learning package and resources for treatment of Childhood Apraxia of Speech. Category: Speech/articulation Focus: Paediatric, school-aged, neurological Contact: http://sydney.edu.au/health- sciences/rest/ E: tricia.mccabe@sydney.edu.au W: http://sydney.edu.au/health- sciences/rest/ communication disorders in clinical and home/school settings. Compassionate, comfortable clinic supportive of families and involved professionals. Category: Speech/articulation, language, literacy, autism Focus: Adolescent, paediatric, school- aged Contact: Veronica Mitchell Address: 6 Wyangala Court, Lysterfield, VIC 3156 Phone: 0416049602 E: veronica@vmsp.com.au W: www.vmsp.com.au Veronica Mitchell Speech Pathology Services Assessment/treatment of

Voice Care WA Voice therapy for adults and adolescents with voice disorders, chronic cough or VCD . Category: Voice Focus: Adult, adolescent Contact: Thea Peterson Address: 57A Haldane St Mt Claremont, Perth, WA 6010 Phone: 08 9383 1119 E: theap@iinet.net.au W: www.voicecarewa.com

Voice Medicine Australia ‘CONNECT’ Speech pathology private practice offers monthly subscription service for mentoring and continuing education in voice and laryngology assessment and management. Category: Voice Focus: All ages Contact: voicemedicineaus@gmail.com Address: 376 Victoria Pde, East Melbourne, VIC 3002 Phone: 0394160633 E: info@melbvoice.com.au W: www.voicemedicineaustralia.com



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