2018 Speech Pathology Resource Guide
Communication and Inclusion Resource Centre, Scope Scope’s Kids Chat 2 You is empowering families to access communication aids and supports now and under the NDIS. Category: Disability, language, autism Focus: Adolescent paediatric school- aged Contact: Communication and Inclusion Resource Centre Address: Level 2, 302 Burwood Rd, Hawthorn, Vic Phone: 9843 2000 E: circ@scopeaust.org.au W: Bit.ly/kidschat2you ComTEC - Yooralla ComTEC’s therapy and IT team provides advice, training and education on assistive technology for communication, computer access and literacy support. Category: Disability, language, literacy, voice, autism, aged care Focus: : Adult, adolescent, paediatric, school-aged, neurological Contact: Helen McCulloch Address: Yooralla, Shop C1, Central West Shopping Centre, 67 Ashley Street, Braybrook, 3019 Phone: 03 9362 6111 E: comtec@yooralla.com.au W: www.yooralla.com.au/services/ Communication-and-Assistive- Technology/ComTec
Clear Speak ‘Perfect Pronunciation’ (2nd ed) with DVD by Alison Kimble-Fry and the ClearSpeak Adult Pronunciation Test. Book (with DVD) of innovative and in-depth training techniques for accent modification and articulatory errors. Assess and train error sounds simply and quickly. Category : ESL, accent/pronunciation change, articulation, hearing impaired speech Focus: Adult, other (techniques can be adapted for children) Contact: Alison Kimble Address: 20 Prince George Parade, Hunters Hill, NSW 2110 Phone: 02 9816 4432 Communicate: Speech Pathology Gold Coast Paediatric speech pathology clinic with a focus on working with young children and children with a disability. Category: Speech/articulation, disability, language, autism Focus: Paediatric Address: 40 Lemana Lane Miami Phone: 0439731258 E: communicategc@gmail.com W: www.communicategc.com.au E: alison@clearspeak.com.au W: www.clearspeak.com.au
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