WHAT WOULD YOU SAY/ DO IF THEY SAY NO? This may feel awkward, but they will probably feel grateful that you cared enough to ask. Thank them for their honesty and restate that you are worried about them. If they continue to share how they are feeling, actively listen, reflect their feelings and ask open questions. Do not rush them to find a solution and offer to help to find support (if they indicate this is what they would like). Empower them and remind them of their strengths. Listen for any more signs that suicide might be an issue and if so, re-check safety by asking the suicide question again. WHAT WOULD YOU SAY/ DO IF THEY SAY YES? Helping a person who is suicidal is complex, however there are three key actions you can use to help them 18 1. If you think someone may be suicidal, ask them directly. 2. If they say yes, DO NOT leave them alone - ask them if they might work with you on a plan to keep them safe for now… When we are feeling this low it is really hard to see situations clearly and to make decisions. What could we do to keep you safe right now? 3. Link to existing supports, their GP, friends, family or colleagues, or if their life is at risk, ring 000. REMEMBER you cannot fix them or solve their problem.
Always ask CLEARLY and DIRECTLY about suicide » » Have you thought about suicide? » » Are you thinking about suicide? » » Are you thinking of taking your life? » » Are you having thoughts of suicide?
What If They Are Reluctant To Get Help? - - Be clear that you are unable to provide sufficient support on your own and you need to bring in extra support from a professional. - - Remind them that their safety is the ultimate priority, and professional support will help keep them safe. - - Normalise the idea of seeking help as much as possible. - - If they’re reluctant to see someone face to face, online counselling can be a non- threatening way to get support. - - If you are comfortable, offer to accompany them to their first appointment to support them.
Accidental Counsellor
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